Thursday, December 26, 2019

Comparing and Contrasting Cubans and Haitians in Miami - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1275 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2018/12/17 Category History Essay Type Compare and contrast essay Level High school Tags: Immigration Essay United States Essay Did you like this example? Introduction The migration of the Cubans and the Haitians to the United States of America happened under almost similar circumstances in their home countries, although the reception in the United States of America was different to each group. The Haitians were treated harsher than the Cubans although an act of America required same treatment for all the immigrants. The response from America confirmed this difference in their procedures by saying that the immigrants who were fleeing the communist countries had to be treated better than the other immigrants. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Comparing and Contrasting Cubans and Haitians in Miami" essay for you Create order This paper will try to compare and contrast the immigrants in Miami both from the Cuba country and from Haiti because it is in this area where the immigrants majorly settled. The Differences between the Cubans and Haitians in Miami The Haitian immigration can be dated back to the year 1802 when slave trade revolt led by Toussaint LOuverture seeking for independence and trying to end the slave trade happened. Though it was successful, the Haiti government was not stable and went on crumbling in all aspect even economical. For example, between the 1800s and 1934, there was a change in government twenty-two times which is a proof of this fact. Haitians first wave immigrants to the United States of America happened in 1957, but the early immigrants by boat landed on the coast of America in 1963. They were not accepted and were deported back to their country. Not until 1977 did the Haitian immigrants entirely started settling in the United States of America. In contrast, the Cubans who migrated from their homeland when Fidel Castro overthrew the government of Bastia in the 1950s started settling in Miami in the early 1960s and were considered as the major contributors to the development of Miami. From the immigrat ion, we can see the difference in treatment between the Haitians who were deported back and the Cubans who have been accepted to settle in America at almost the same times (LiPuma, and Thomas, 370). The treatment shows that the Cubans were preferred to the Haitians. An immigrant act that was signed between the United States of America and the Cuba in 1966 provided for a long-standing and preferential treatment to the Cuban immigrants. The act that was approved gave a guarantee to the Cubans living in the United States of America for a least one year to adjust to a permanent residence. In other words, they ceased being refugees but became American citizens (Kyle, David, and Marc, 305). Following the amendment of the act in 1966, there arose the wet foot and dry foot practice which required the American guard to halt and send back any Cuban who was found in the sea, unless they feared for persecution. It went on to state that the any Cuban who successfully reached the shore of the united states of America could not be sent back, but were to be investigated but the department of the home country and then allowed to settle in the USA. More so, if a Cuban could try to enter the United States by land, mostly through Mexico, the intruder was to be investigated by the customs and boarders protection personnel. The intruder could then be exempted from deportation back to the home country. Contrary to this treatment that the Cubans receive in the United States of America, the Haitians dont benefit from it. If a Haitian is found in the chores and does not provide enough evidence and proof for the asylum, the Haitian is immediately deported to his home country or detained (Kyle, David, and Marc, 305). In 1994 during the Clinton administration, the number of Cubans migrating to the United States was so large that the Clinton administration decided to lay a policy limiting the expenditure the government was incurring in the immigrants. But later alone, the USA gove rnment struck a deal that allowed at least twenty thousand immigrants from Cuba to the United States every year. On average, the number of the Cubans who qualify for visas to the United States of America every year exceeds the number of Haitians currently receding in the United States (Stepick, Alex, and Carol, 3). Contrary to the entry of the Cubans to the USA who were given a much warmer welcome, the Haitians are never warmly welcomed, and only the skilled Haitians are allowed entry to the United States. The middle-class Haitians who happen to have entry to the United States are always discriminated (Borjas and George, 73) For example, when it was perceived that the Haitians had caused the outbreak of diseases in the USA. Unlike the Cubans who had an agreement with the USA to allow the immigrants reside there, the policy which was established between the USA and the Haitian government under the dictatorship of Jean-Claude Duvalier only provided a way the Haitian intruder migran ts could be deported back to Haiti from the USA (Portes, Alejandro, Patricia and willam, 37). Similarities between the Haitians and Cubans in Miami It is factual that the both the Cubans and the Haitians in Miami have a vulnerable population, having come from countries experiencing political intolerance and instability. Both the two groups are under the department of homeland security which helps to fund even programmes directed towards their better stay in the United States of America and also help them to adapt to the new USA life. Moreover, both the Cubans and the Haitians constitute two groups with a fast growing population in the United States. Both the two groups also represent the groups in the USA who are struggling for scarce resources including space and permission to be in the United States of America (Borjas and George, 67). Both the two communities of immigrants have been discriminated against in the USA, although the Cubans are the outstanding majority among many communities that live in Miami, has a population close to two million occupants. The problem between the two immigrants, i.e., Cubans and Haitians ar e that they still have a terrible relationship. Instead of using their collective interests as people who the white Americans discriminate against and unite to have one voice, they even dont like each other. Both the two groups form the workforce in Miami. They are tasked with picking vegetables during the winter. It is therefore hard for this immigrant to get the collar jobs and thus live the lives of the low class (Portes, Alejandro, Patricia and willam, 35). Conclusion From all the analysis above, it is clear that the Haitians have always been looked down upon in the United States. The Cubans have always been given an upper hand regarding the privileges of both immigration and stay. The policies that have been developed between the Americans and the Haitians have been those who hinder them instead of giving them a breakthrough regarding their residence in America. It is clear then as both communities have always been discriminated, they should set aside their differences and unite so that they can be able to have one voice while they still stay in Miami. Work cited Borjas, George J. Heavens door: Immigration policy and the American economy. Princeton University Press, 2011. Kyle, David, and Marc Scarcelli. Migrant smuggling and the violence question: evolving illicit migration markets for Cuban and Haitian refugees. Crime, law and social change 52.3 (2009): 297-311. LiPuma, Edward, and Thomas Koelble. Cultures of circulation and the urban imaginary: Miami As example and exemplar. The Urban Sociology Reader (2012): 370. Portes, Alejandro, Patricia Fernndez-Kelly, and William Haller. The adaptation of the Immigrant second generation in America: A theoretical overview and recent Evidence. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 35.7 (2009): 1077-1104. Stepick, Alex, and Carol Dutton Stepick. Diverse contexts of reception and feelings of Belonging. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research. Vol. 10. No. 3. 2009.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

What Is Religion - 1838 Words

What is Religion? Is religion a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny or is it a system of symbols, myths, doctrines, ethics and rituals for the expression of ultimate relevance (Carmody, 2008). Religion is the human quest for experience of, and response to the holy or sacred and a combination of all individuals desire to attain the promise of a better life than that here on earth, human spirituality. Religion is the voluntary subjection of oneself to God (Catholic Encyclopedia, 1913). Religious beliefs are the mental state in which faith is placed in a creed related to the supernatural, sacred, or divine. The beliefs that what one does in the former life will follow to the next life and good karma†¦show more content†¦Karuna the virtue of Buddhism, understanding and identifying with the suffering of all human beings or daya, Hinduism compassion, these ethical standards set the precedents of compassion for our fellow man. Humility, the respect for the Ultimate whether it be for God, Allah, Moses or the hundreds of other names our creator is known as, thankful for all of the blessings that the ultimate has bestowed upon his children. Christianity, â€Å"Blessed be the meek for they shall inherit the earth† (Matthew 5:5); Islam’s observance of the five pillars of faith (Carmody, 2008); Taoism respect of nature and Buddhists release of anger and learning to live life free from attachments, all signs of humility and respect deserving of the creator. Part II Religion supplies cosmologies, moral frameworks, institutions, rituals, traditions and other identity supporting answers to satisfy the human basic need of a sense of belonging, self- esteem and self actualization (Seuel, 1999). Beliefs, practices and rituals give meaning and shape ritual performances. Ritual enactments, strengthens and reaffirms the group’s belief as well as the individual’s belief. Through rituals and practices, the group collectively remembers its shared meanings which both the individual and the group renew the sense of unity and the members identity as well as the group and its goals (Carmody, 2008)). Part 3 Religious groups are shaped by individuals who customizeShow MoreRelatedReligion : What Is Religion?2567 Words   |  11 PagesWhat is religion? Remember to advance a claim, make an argument, and support that argument with evidence from our readings. A Way of progress/life goal Primal Religions= Confucianism= To become a Chun Tzu Taoism= To follow the Way and attain or maintain te. ‘‘two great sanctions: the moral requirements visible in nature and the inner conviction of what is right and wrong The eastern religions of Taoism and Confucianism, as well as, the primal religions discussed by Smith are far differentRead MoreReligion : What Is It?902 Words   |  4 PagesReligion: What is it? There are many different religions that people believe in today. 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As stated in the constitution of the United State of America, the first amendment, â€Å"congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.† I n other words the constitution and religion are notRead MoreWhat Is A Religion?1317 Words   |  6 PagesWhat is a religion? A religion is a set of beliefs based on a common principle shared by a community. Some of the most famous religions are Christianity, Buddhism, and Judaism. The goal of Christianity is to be one with God. Key Christianity practices include Sunday service, reading bible, praying regularly, and pilgrimages to hold the community together and have a strong relationship with God. Christians also have a strong devotion to saints. In Buddhism, people practice detachment from everythingRead MoreWhat is Religion?2214 Words   |  9 PagesReligion comes from the Latin word religare which means to â€Å"to tie, to bind.† It is a belief in something sacred which binds a number of people together based on a common purpose. 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Which predates the other? Are they different from another? Is one a byproduct of another? Or are they one in the same? These fundamental questions will dictate whether people and their beliefs make up the interpretation of their environment or have definitive proof beyond that of a theory, substantiating Religion not just as a social construct of culture, but an absolute for acknowledgement and submission of an individual and more importantlyRead MoreWhat Is Religion? Essay1614 Words   |  7 PagesWhat is religion? Each person’s definition of religion is different. Each person’s faith is different. This is a question that has been asked for centuries, and regardless of the answer given there is no right or wrong answer. Religion can be defined as a group of people who have shared beliefs who feel their life has purpose or meaning. This feeling or belief that their life has meaning can come from outside of themselves, as well as within. Taking this one step further, these shared beliefsRead MoreWhat Makes A Religion?946 Words   |  4 Pagesare the same. What makes us so similar? Is it that rhythm in our chest? Is it out compassion and love for one another? Is it the desire to create art and feel inspiration? I believe religion is the key to all of these. Even if one don’t follow a religion, they can still admit that there is something spiritual about the likeness of each living, individual soul. Like humans, religions are also vastly similar at their core. Yes, they have many many different qualities and beliefs, but what you look atRead More What Is Religion Essay1653 Words   |  7 Pages What Is Religion nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;What is religion? According to an Oxford dictionary, religion is the belief in the existence of a supernatural ruling power, the creator and controller of the universe, who has given to man a spirtual nature which continues to exist after the death of the body. Religion appears to be a simple idea on the surface, but in reality it is a very complex system of ideas that many base their lives upon. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;There are many religions

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Silk research method Essay Example For Students

Silk research method Essay Do you know the process that goes into making silk? Many people over look this fine, luxurious garment. When I first heard that we had to do an I-search, I was overwhelmed by the choices. I made many changes before finally settling on this topic. When I first though of how to make silk, I didnt think that it would be that hard with the right tools. Although I knew that the fibers came from the silk worms cocoon I still didnt know how they got it unraveled. I also thought that they only made silk in China. There are many things that I didnt know about making silk. When I thought of doing this topic I didnt think that it would be to easy either. I thought that I would have to go to more than one source to get the answer. I have one main goal for writing this I-search. That is because it is an assignment. If I wanted to know about this topic I wouldnt spend this much time on it. In the begging I wanted to do the topic Is biological weapons worth the destruction that they cause on the planet? . Then I thought to myself, There isnt a really right answer because everyone will have a different P. O. V. Now I had to come up with a better question, on that has a true answer. Then I thought to myself again, Do you know how monorails work? . I didnt answer myself because then I would be crazy. But the first book I looked in I found the answer, so I dropped that idea. My last and final I-search topic would be, How is silk made? . I think that that answer may be fairly easy to find, but its a topic that interested me because my grandma has been to China and has seen that places where they The Chinese make the silk. She also showed me the cocoons that they take the thread from. On the first day that I started looking for the answer my English class went to the library. From there I combed the library for the answer. My first stop was an encyclopedia. The first random book that I pulled from the shelf was called Encyclopedia America. That one wasnt much help. It only told me how silk worms are cultivated. That didnt bother me much, because I was confident that I would find the answer still. In the next day in the library I skimmed through a few more books. One of which was titled Colliers Encyclopedia. It was more use full then any past books. This one had a little on how to make silk. On the third day I gave up on the library. I figured that I had checked enough books. Now it was up to us to find the answer outside of school. We had a couple days of class time to write this paper but I didnt use that wisely. I wasnt too concerned with this project at the time so I put it on the back burners. After a couple of days I started back up. My first stop of the day was my Encarda Encyclopedia CD-ROM. That just gave me stuff on how they are harvested. Woo DÃÆ'Â ©jÃÆ' vu. My last stop was my grandmas house. I wouldnt consider her an expert, but she has been to where they Chinese make their silk. She also showed me the cocoons that they make it out of. That was interesting because I got to feel how thin that the strand were. She wasnt a lot of help with the process, but she had a lot of other good facts. I did not uncover the answer to how silk is made. This didnt really disappoint me because I found out a bunch of other cool things about silk. Such as, a strand of silk is stronger than the same thickness of a piece of steel. I also found out the habits of baby silk worms. Did you know that they eat continually for almost 6 weeks? Another thing that I learned while doing this project was that teachers make you write way too much for stuff that you dont even care about. But I do know that I hated this whole thing a lot because I found it pointless and a waste of time.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Public Relation †Hilton Hotels Essay Essay Example

Public Relation – Hilton Hotels Essay Essay Hilton Worldwide is one of the world’s largest hotel companies. which operate more than 3. 700 hotels around the Earth. The company’s flagship trade name. Hilton Hotels and Resorts. has more than 540 belongingss in 78 states across six continents. The Company stands as the stylish. advanced leader in the full service section. As a portion of the company’s vision. to remain the leader in the cordial reception industry. Hilton Hotels and Resorts is seeking to set up better communicating between the company and its populaces. Hotel public dealingss include activities such as imperativeness dealingss. particular events be aftering. newssheets. community dealingss and many more. Bing a planetary company their chief PR map is to concentrate on â€Å"media dealingss and trade name reputation† says John Forrest Ales. Senior Director for planetary trade name PR at Hilton Hotels and Resorts ( Ciarallo. 2009 ) . We will write a custom essay sample on Public Relation – Hilton Hotels Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Public Relation – Hilton Hotels Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Public Relation – Hilton Hotels Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In order to this. with the aid of Covalent logic which is an incorporate communications house which supplying design. scheduling and scheme for concern and authorities. Hilton Global Brand Public Relations created the Hilton Global Media Center ( HGMC ) . the hotel industry’s first-ever on-line media centre. and the company’s Prime Minister comprehensive online resource for media ( Bucci. 2011 ) . The best manner to depict this procedure is gatekeeping theory. In human communicating. gatekeeping is the advancement through which thoughts and information are filtered for publication. The internal determination doing advancement of relaying or keep backing information from the media to the multitudes ( Cassidy. 2006 ) . Harmonizing to John Forrest Ales. HGMC is one cardinal aggregation point for newsmans to happen everything they need. including: entree to company releases. exposure and picture. trade name fact sheet and history of Hilton Hotels and Resorts. media contact information. media enquiry and many more of import information for newsmans and besides for public. It is one of the best ways to larn about what is go oning within their trade name and across their hotels. He continues. stating that The Hilton Global Media Center has transformed the manner they interact with media and driven a direct addition in their portion of voice and media coverage prominence ( Bucci. 2011 ) . In this key. the HGMC is the gatekeeper who decides what information should travel to populaces and what information should non. Gate maintaining is nil but to barricade unwanted or useless things by utilizing a gate. So if something bad go oning in Hilton Hotels they have power non to publicise. On the other manus. some intelligence must be accessible for populaces. for illustration of import events around any of the Hotels. which may act upon travellers or Hotel’s invitees. The Hilton Global Media Center accomplished several aims. which included widening PR cordial reception to media professionals seeking information about any of the Hilton Hotels A ; Resorts worldwide in a timely. efficient and suiting mode and bettering the response velocity to media questions by leveraging new media. The on-line media centre rejuvenated the brand’s pine awaying repute as an industry rebel and provided the planetary web of belongingss the ability and liberty to advance their hotels. while besides back uping th e trade name ( Bucci. 2011 ) . As a consequence of difficult work. HGMC was successfully planned and delivered in a fast-changing planetary and local media landscape. Within merely three months after the Hilton Global Media Center’s initial launch. the company had a 10 per centum addition in media coverage. One facet of the HGMC that is highly good is the interlingual rendition characteristics and tools. Because of this characteristic. users of 85 different linguistic communications have accessed the web site. This is something that people could non happen in other cordial reception concerns ( Bucci. 2011 ) . In these instances. when the company prepares something exceeding for populaces. it is good manner to pull off the repute of this company every bit good. Repute is treated as the feedback from others refering the credibleness of an organization’s itself-definition. Organizations use steps of repute to better their public messages and relationship edifice patterns ( Leuven and Mak ) . Hilton Hotels and Resorts have really good repute non merely because of epicurean trade name but besides because of Company’s civilization. First. company has strong direction all around Hilton Hotels. Directors are with wide-ranging experience from focused-service hotels to luxury and big resort undertakings. for illustration. Senior Director for planetary trade name PR at Hilton Hotels and Resorts. John Forrest Ales. His experience includes beef uping the reputes of the world’s largest retail merchant and a governor retrieving from the greatest natural catastrophe in U. S. history. In 2010 John Forrest Ales was named to PR Week’s â€Å"40 Under 40† list. which recognizes top endowment in the public dealingss industry ( Arkansas alumni association. 2012 ) . He is professional who works to better relationships between company’s employees and clients. Both frontline and direction workers of Hilton Hotels are well-trained to present a perfect client helping. Hilton Hotels tends to choose employees with the right accomplishments and cognition. It is revealed that Hilton Hotels welcomes and prefers employees who have grades from cordial reception institutes in Switzerland. However. those with appropriate experiences are besides welcomed. All workers of Hilton Hotels are required to go to both on-the-job and off-the-job preparation programmes to guarantee that they are equipp ed with the right tools to transport out a good client service. At the same clip. to actuate all workers to work towards the assigned undertakings with their best attempt. Hilton Hotels provides its workers with fiscal and non-financial wagess. Some employees who have been working for the hotel for more than two old ages are eligible for organizational wagess. which are in the signifier of portions that are sold to workers at a discounted monetary value ( Watson. 2007 ) . Furthermore. in 2008. Hilton Hotels and Resorts created Dubbed [ electronic mail protected ]/*plan. which is good chance to people who desire the flexibleness to work at place the ability to take their ain hours from available pool of hours. working from the comfort of their ain milieus ( Haussman. 2008 ) . In order to this. the concern maximizes the value of its internal and external relationships and maintains a good repute overall. In today’s extremely competitory universe. an increasing figure of companies have realized the importance of going more customer-centric and invested a big sum of clip and resources in relationship direction system with the purpose of better pull offing their populaces. During long being old ages. Hilton Hotels and Resorts have built tremendous Online Empire which is accessible for everyone around the universe. Hilton appears to be puting the industry criterion in footings of invention and how it provides comfortss and services. The Hilton Hotels and Resorts are now focused on their Customers Truly Matter Initiative ( CRM ) . CRM is a manner to utilize engineering to give company the power to solidify relationships with their best clients ( University of Washington. 2009 ) . No other hotel in the universe is taking the enterprise to make something l ike CRM which will once more solidify Hilton as an industry leader. Under the construct of value concatenation. it can be assumed that the targeted clients of Hilton Hotels are those who are choice witting and they are willing to pay excess for the best service. However. Hilton Hotels uses distinction scheme to develop a good relationship with clients and this enables to retain clients more efficaciously. To maintain clients updated with new offers. Hilton Hotels sends electronic mails to clients who sign up for the service. The engineering makes it easy for Hilton Hotels to develop a client database and this can assist them to supervise the behavior of targeted clients more efficaciously. Hilton Hotels besides utilises other new signifiers of media to maintain a good relationship with clients through societal webs like Facebook and YouTube. This enables clients to portion experiences about their stay at Hilton Hotels. At the same clip. this besides allows Hilton Hotels to maintain public informed about recent events and activities. Hilton steadfastly believes that he client affairs and they want the client to experience particular. With the engineering available today Hilton Hotels and Resorts will be able to run into and transcend the dema nds of their populaces. The public dealingss practician must foster their community dealingss every bit good as maintain credibleness. construct solid internal and external relationships. and efficaciously pull off issues. Organisation public dealingss can be defined as the province which exists between an organisation and its cardinal populaces in which the actions of either entity impact the planetary. economic. societal. political or cultural wellbeing of the other entity ( Bruning A ; Ledingham. 1999 ) . Sustainability is one of the individual most of import planetary issues confronting the universe. A clear apprehension of the issues environing clime alteration. planetary heating. air and H2O pollution. ozone depletion. deforestation. the loss of biodiversity and planetary poorness is indispensable for every director in the cordial reception industry. After planetary heating. everyone has become more cautious about environment. more administrations have realised duty towards environment. Hilton Worldwide focal point on sustainability. the company intends to extenuate their impact on the environment. make economic value for their proprietors. and supply a better experience for their invitees. As a consequence of the planetary confusion Hilton Hotels and Resorts became first multi-brand company in cordial reception industry. in April 2010. after officially denoting â€Å"Lightstay† . a property- degree sustainability measuring ( Environmental Friendly. 2010 ) . A tool sole owned by Hilton’s. to mensurate sustainability public presentation impact by taking into consideration energy and H2O usage and waste and C end products associated with edifice operations and affecting 200 operational patterns services including housekeeping. paper merchandise use. nutrient waste. chemical storage. air quality and transit at 1300 Hilton belongingss. The intent of Hilton for following such steps was to do guest experience rich and impel economic returns. The attempts of Hilton Hotel toward prolonging environment are outstanding. Hilton has a different section merely to look in issues related to sustainability. Hilton support batch of societal causes and environment sustainability is one of it. Hilton is one of the oldest participants in its industry ; still duty for environment sustainability came much later. Looking at Hilton Hotel’s attempts. many hotels are fiting up their attempts in prolonging environment with Hilton. More eco-conscious concern travellers are taking closer expression at eco-friendly hotels. Equally of import today’s job is the current economic crisis in whole universe. As with most industries. the cordial reception. travel and leisure sector is sing legion challenges as a consequence of the planetary economic crisis. In order to pull off economic issues in PR. Hilton Hotels and Resorts attempt to direct the message for populaces that hotels are non merely for people who have a batch of money. but besides accessible for in-between to budget travellers. Lower monetary values for bare rudimentss are going more popular. Price. Distribution. Promotion. and Product Elements Rates are one of the many variables that determine customer’s determination in remaining at a peculiar hotel. Monetary values differ from one market to another and from one location to another. Although Hilton trade name is widely recognizable. they ever offer their merchandises for a monetary value their mark market is willing to pay. To reason. Hilton Hotels and Resorts created successful p ublic dealingss scheme which helps them to remain leader in cordial reception industry. The company looks at the importance of their repute. relationship direction and specially the chances offered by societal media. One of the best Hilton Hotel’s communicating beginnings is Hilton Global Media Centre. It is hard to happen an facet of the run that needs betterment. Hilton Global Brand Public Relations have teamed up to make an unbelievably successful run. Merely by sing the site people can state that a batch of clip and attempt every bit good as changeless two-way communicating went into the development and selling of the site. Harmonizing to Jonh Forres Ales. the company truly believes that planing the site from a reporter’s position and apprehension that the newsmans covering Hilton live in all corners of the universe positioned the site for long-run success ( Bucci. 2011 ) . Mentions and BibliographyBruning. S. D. A ; Ledingham. J. A. ( 1999 ) Relationships Between Organizations and Publics. Development of a Multi-Dimensional Organization-Public Relationship Scale. Public Relations Review. p. 25. Bucci. J. ( 2011 ) Hilton Hotels and Resorts Innovate PR Campaign Launches The Hotel Industry’s First-Ever Online Media Centre. 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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How to Make a College Paper Longer

How to Make a College Paper Longer Need to make a paper longer but out of ideas? Forget fudging the margins and font or even the legendary period trick. These 6 tips will make your paper longer- and better! Avoid the Old, Obvious Tricks First and foremost, know that your professor most likely knows about all of the easy tricks and can spot em! Changing the font, changing the margins, doing the period trick, and tons of other sneaky ways to make your paper longer have all been done before and then some. Since you need to make your paper longer, not worse, skip the easy stuff and focus on the content. Cite a Few Sources Add additional quotations to support your examples. If your paper is good, youll have examples to support your thesis. To make your paper even better (and longer), make sure you have at least one quotation from the text- if not more- to support your examples. (And be careful about citing your quotations accurately, too.) Add Some Examples to Your Paper Add an additional example to each paragraph/argument/idea. If you cant add more quotations, add more examples to support your position. Think about more ways to make your point by showing- not just telling- the reader. Check Your Paragraph Format Make sure each paragraph has a topic sentence, supporting evidence, and a concluding/transition sentence. Of course, each paragraph should have more than just these three sentences, but you might be surprised at how easily each can be left off- and how much longer your paper can become if you go back through and insert missing items where needed. See if You Can Prove Yourself Wrong Think about the arguments against your thesis- and then make sure youve addressed those points. Sure, you may have good arguments for your position. But what would someone holding the opposite position say? And what would you say in response? Making sure those responses are already included in your paper is a great way to make sure youve covered all the bases... and a great way to add some length if your paper is a little shorter than youd like. Make Sure Your Paper Structure is Solid Confirm and reconfirm that you have a strong introduction, thesis statement, and conclusion. ​Although you may be focused on the body of your paper and the evidence supporting your position, having a strong intro, thesis, and conclusion are important, too. Making sure your paper starts with a bang (good intro), has a solid foundation to stand on (strong thesis), and leaves the reader convinced (stellar conclusion) is a great way to make sure your paper is all-around better- and longer!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Semiotic Analysis of the Meal essay

Semiotic Analysis of the Meal essay Semiotic Analysis of the Meal essay Semiotic Analysis of the Meal essaySince the ancient times signs have been an integral part of social life. One of the first systems of signs a human being masters in early childhood is language. However, Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) has introduced the explanation for semiology to deal not only with the field of language, but with almost each of the spheres making up human lives. As a science which studies the diversity of signs, semiology has much to offer to make lifestyles and social patterns clearer for a curious mind. Thus, the laws of semiology can be fittingly applied to eating habits in particular and eating cultures on the whole.Going to a Japanese restaurant can become an extremely useful experience if one wants to get a profound image of what Japanese culture is like. What is more, learning what people eat as well as how they do it is a key to understand their way of thinking, aesthetics, life values, and customs (Danesi 2012, p.194). The Japanese have an ancient dini ng culture, and the Spring Sushi restaurant presents an amazing combination of ancient traditions and latest innovations. Entering the restaurant, one gets into the atmosphere of delicious aroma and dim light. A Japanese restaurant is definitely not a place to make it loud and have fun. On the contrary, Spring Sushi is a place to enjoy a quiet friendly atmosphere, so the people do not talk loud and do not interfere with each other’s meals. Such an approach makes it obvious that eating is a ritual here.Further, the interior of the restaurant reflects the Japanese aesthetics to its full. Being designed and furnished in a typical orient style, the room grabs the attention of the visitor by small details like Maneki Neko, a nice figure of a cat with its paw raised which can be found at the receptionist. Maneki Neko, or a â€Å"fortune cat†, is a traditional Japanese symbol to bring prosperity in business.As for innovations, the owners of the restaurant are likely to create an image that their institution is for people who keep their hand on the pulse of the time (Van der Veen 2003, p.421). Trying to be up-to-date, the owners have done their best to make it comfortable and easy to enjoy a meal either at a business lunch or a date. The Japanese are well-known for their high results in technological advance, and Spring Sushi also cares to prove it. In particular, the order system provides the guest with the opportunity to read the menu and make an order by means of the iPad on the table. Electronic dining experience makes the guest feel how caring and progressive the Japanese nation is.As soon as the order is ready, the guest gets acquainted with the nuances of the Japanese cuisine. Just as Roland Barthes describes in Empire of Signs, the dishes are â€Å"slight in quantity but numerous† and the dishware â€Å"fulfill the definition of painting† (Barthes 1983, p.83). The attention to details characterizes the Japanese nation as exquisite, scrupulous, and patient. Moreover, the entire atmosphere makes the guests feel how etiquette and manners are important, and each of them tries to behave apparently. It is rather oriental to eat without haste. Instead, harmonious and warm atmosphere makes you relax and forget about daily routine. After all, it is almost impossible to eat quickly with chopsticks which make each visitor a little bit Japanese.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Why do policy makers see the family as central to the solutions of Essay

Why do policy makers see the family as central to the solutions of social problems - Essay Example In this paper, I will discuss the problem of older people in the United Kingdom and see why this issue related to the family is so important for policy makers. The demographics of the United Kingdom have been changing over the years in a manner that the proportion of older people is increasing. As a result of higher life expectancy at birth as well as above 65 and lower birth rates - at 2.2 per woman - the proportion of the elderly is expected to grow even further (Jeevans, 2004). It is estimated that by 2025, over 30 percent of the UK population will be above the age 55. Not just that, the government projects that as early as 2014, the number of people above 65 will be higher than those below 16. In 1981, the life expectancy of men at 60 was another 16 years while that of women was another 21 years. In 2003, it was 20 for men and 23 for women. The government projects that in 2026, it will be 24 and 27 for men and women respectively (Jeevans, 2004). According to the International Longevity Centre - UK (2006), the population in the UK and Wales is expected to grow by 6.5 million till 2031, of which 5.6 million will be above 65 years and 2.3 million above 80 years. The south east and north-west parts of the country have the highest number of people above 65 years while the east Midlands and the east are expected to have the highest growth in the number of elders by 2028. Although the baby boomer generation looks at ageing in a considerably different manner than did earlier generations, with more people above 65 having gainfully employed lives and 30 percent of people above 75 helping out other older people who are in need (Jeevans, 2004), there are frequent media reports of institutional abuse on the elderly, particularly on those who suffer from dementia or learning disabilities. According to the International Longevity Centre - UK (2006), 1 in 100 people in the UK suffer from dementia. The figure is 1 in 20 for the age group between 70 and 79 years, 1 in 5 for people between 80 and 85 and 1 in three for those above 90. Hence, the issue of abuse takes crucial importance for such elders who are not able to look after themselves. The prevalence of elder abuse While the proportion of older people in the population of UK, there is also an increasing tendency of treating seniors in an abusive manner. Although there is little academic research on elder abuse in the United Kingdom, the lack of social awareness regarding this problem subjects older people to pathetic conditions at the twilight of their lives. To make things worse, elder abuse is quite prevalent in the family setting, making this a concern for social policy makers. The most comprehensive study on elder abuse was conducted by Ogg and Bennett (1992) who surveyed a sample of about 2,000 people. They found that about 5 percent of the elders above 60 years of age suffered verbal or psychological abuse while 2 percent suffered physical or financial abuse from family and relatives. However, it must also be noted that not many older people would like to report abuse from the family. A survey by the Community and District Nursing Association found in 2003 elder abuse was as prevalent as 88 percent and 12 percent of elders reported abuse at least once

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Managing financial resources and decisions Essay

Managing financial resources and decisions - Essay Example Broadly, the types of sources of finance are divided into two categories namely: 1. Internal sources of finance 2. External sources of finance Different types of business have different sources of funds. The most common types of business are: sole trader, partnership, public limited company, and private limited company. Sole Trader: This form of business consists of one individual owner who is legally not disconnected from the business. But the company and personal accounts are separated. The internal sources of funds for this type of business only include the sale of the goods and stocks. This source of finance is short term as the money from sales of goods is first used for covering the operating expenses of the company (Arnold, 2008). On the other hand, the external sources of finance available to sole trader consist of different loans from banks or venture capitalists. This also includes secured loans, leases, and grants from government. The sale of the goods and stocks is only b eneficial in the short term, however the loans from banks can be beneficial for the sole trader for long term financing. The venture capitalists demand for high interest rates (Gitman, 2003). ... Private Limited Company: In this form of the business, the shares of the business are sold on private basis only by the consent of the board of directors. This type of business is normally popular for the family businesses. The organisation has control over the distribution of the shares and can decide who can own the shares of the company. Private limited company has more long term internal sources of funds. The company can sale the shares and also assets in order to raise finance. Along with this the directors of the company can also decide to issue new shares. The external sources of funds available for the private limited company includes: debentures, loans from banks, grants from government, and also funds from venture capitalists (Khan, 1993). The internal sources of funds like sale of shares can result in diluting the ownership of the organisation. The grants from government can be beneficial for long term financing (Gitman, 2003). P2: IMPLICATIONS OF THE DIFFERENT SOURCES OF FINANCE: Different sources of finance have different implications associated with them. For instance, the option of issuing new shares for the private limited company can result in diluting the ownership of the organisation. Also, different external sources of finance have different implications and influence on the business. All external sources of finance results in increasing the short term and long term liabilities of the company. The internal sources of funds can be beneficial for the private limited companies in the long run but the sole traders and partnership forms cannot use internal sources for the long term objectives and aims (Atkinson, Kaplan, Matsumura, & Young, 2007). P3: EVALUATION OF THE APPROPRIATE SOURCES OF

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Psychological Effects of Ecological Disasters Essay Example for Free

The Psychological Effects of Ecological Disasters Essay The highly advanced technologies emerging nowadays bring many conveniences today that seemed impossible fifty years ago. Yet, such improvements and developments are expected to bear different consequences. Ecological disaster, although a natural phenomenon, is a consequence of man-made hazard. According to Kessler, Sonnega, Bromet, Hughes, and Nelson (1995), majority of the population have experienced â€Å"at least one traumatic event throughout their lifetime†. Although the frequency of traumatic events is high, many people, especially the adults, are able to survive from different forms of disaster and are likely to recover from any traumatic event. However, there are some who are unable to cope with the trauma from such events, such as the children who are prone to resilience. It is indeed a traumatic and stressful experience to be present in any occurrence of an accident, calamity, or a tragedy. Victims of disaster are likely to demonstrate some stress and emotional reactions such as grief, anger, fear, depression, anxiety, and somatization. Other victims of ecological disaster are observed to manifest behavioral expressions of stress which include changes in illness behavior, problems in role functioning at home and in work, troubles of substance abuse, and domestic violence. Moreover, people who are suffering from severe mental illness (SMI) are more prone to experience Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD (Bromet Dew, 1995; Havenaar et al. , 1997). One of the most severe and traumatic disasters occurred on April 26, 1986 was the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which took place for almost 10 days. The explosion resulted in the enormous release of radioactive materials (e. g. iodine and caesium radionuclides) in the areas of Russian Federation, Ukraine, and Belarus. Such radioactive materials are known to cause thyroid cancer (The Chernobyl Forum, 2003-2005, p. 10). Approximately five million people living in Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia were contaminated with radionuclides. Most of them were emergency workers and on-site personnel including army, local police and fire services, and power plant staff. Some residents of the said areas were also affected. The disaster response actions of the authorities such as the evacuation of people from affected areas somehow reduced the health consequence of the radiation exposures. Aside from thyroid cancer which hit the affected population, there is a notable increased in psychological problems among the residents of affected areas. Such was the result of disturbance and trauma brought by the explosion. People experienced stress and anxiety because of the lack of information about the effects of such radiation and its consequences to social and economic security (The Chernobyl Forum, 2003-2005, p. 7). Until today, the concerned authorities are having difficulties in identifying and eliminating the psychological burden of the Chernobyl explosion. Meanwhile, many researches demonstrated that the occurrence of ecological disasters such as tragedy, terrorism event, traumatic accidents, and others could cause psychiatric disorders to human victims. Such disorders include depression, anxiety, somatization, ASD and PTSD. Accordingly, there are several factors that are believed to contribute to the cause of psychiatric disorder following the occurrence of ecological disaster. Some believe that the impact of psychological effects of disaster depends on the amount of information given to victims of traumatic events. Other researches identified that a victim with lower level of education is prone to experience psychiatric disorder after the occurrence of a disaster. In addition, people who experienced many negative events in life are more likely to manifest mental disorders brought by traumatic event. Meanwhile, other researches assert that people with positive and optimistic personalities are less vulnerable to psychiatric disorder. This research paper will delve into the psychological effects of ecological disasters and will highlight the various factors that affect victim’s psychological processing of Chernobyl explosion, particularly the residents of Former Soviet Union. Purpose of the Study The purpose of this quantitative study is to identify and explore the factors that affect the mental processing of the victims of Chernobyl explosion. Respondents for this study are the affected residents from Former Soviet Union. The analysis for this study will dwell on whether Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and resilience can be predicted using variables such as participant’s age, gender, distance from disaster site, educational level, fewer life stressors, positive personality traits, and empowerment from having more information about the disaster. Moreover, the researcher will attempt to identify those victims who are likely to experience psychiatric disorder after experiencing ecological disaster and those who are not prone to such psychological disorder. It will also attempt to enumerate the different ways and treatments which will be useful in preventing the psychological effects of ecological disaster. Statement of the Problem Generally, this research study aims to examine the factors that affect the psychological processing of the victims of ecological disaster, particularly the victims of Chernobyl disaster from Former Soviet Union. Specifically, this study aims to answer the following problems: 1. What are the possible psychological effects of ecological disasters? 2. Who are the victims of disaster that are likely to experience psychological disorder? 3. Who are the victims of disaster that are likely to cope from experiencing disaster thus overcoming traumatic and stressful obstacles? 4. How do other victims manage to overcome psychiatric disorder following the occurrence of disaster? 5. Why do other victims fail to overcome psychiatric disorder following a traumatic event? 6. What can be done to manage and prevent (if possible) the psychological effects of ecological disaster? 7. Who are the proper authorities responsible for addressing the psychological problems brought by the occurrence of ecological disasters? Hypotheses There are various factors that make the victims of ecological disasters more susceptible to psychological disorder, and these factors are the subject of hypothesis for this study. According to researches, the possibility for victims to develop a psychological disorder depends on the personality of the victims, level of education of the victims; amount of information given to victims of disaster; and quantity of negative events experienced by the victims. Based on the studies conducted by Aspinwall and Taylor (1992) and Scheier and Carver (1995), it was discovered that having a positive personality or being optimistic can contribute to the victims’ physical and psychological well-being. In addition, Scheier and Carver’s (1995) study reveals that optimistic people believe that they could overcome any adversity. Thus, instead of avoiding the obstacles and challenges, optimistic people use problem-solving skills to cope with difficulties (Scheier Carver, 1995). Furthermore, numerous research studies have found that dispositional optimism (positive reason for migration, American acculturation, mastered of English language, and overall life satisfaction) could also lessen the impact of stress to the experience of an individual (Ben-Zur, Rappaport, Ammar, Uretzky, 2000; Herman-Stahl Petersen, 1996; Aspinwall Taylor, 1992). People who have positive outlook are likely to use health care services following the experience of any traumatic disaster. Still, there are factors that contribute to positive personality of individual such as demographic and social aspect, attitudinal-belief, and other structural variables (Anderson Newman, 1973). The researcher assumes that people with negative view of life and are pessimist are prone to experience psychiatric disorder following the occurrence of a disaster. Meanwhile, results of the research studies conducted by Breslau et al. (1997), Kessler et al. (1995), and Kulka et al. (1991) demonstrated that people with lesser educational attainment are more likely to experience PTSD such that lesser educational attainment is correlated with increased level of PTSD. Yet, there are inconsistent results from the empirical literature regarding the psychological and mental health of elderly adults. Majority of the literature review indicated that older people have a greater risk for physical injury and monetary loss, and have fewer social support, which then suggest that elderly are more vulnerable to experience stress. Thus, this group is at a higher psychological risk of developing psychological disorder in the face of disaster (Krause, 1987; Phifer Norris, 1989). Therefore, the researcher presumes that people with high educational attainment and younger population are likely to be resilient to post disaster stress and trauma. Many research studies established that the individual’s perception of risk following a disaster can cause poor health effects which is either physical or mental illness (Kazakov, Demidchik, Astakhova ,1992; Baverstock, Egloff, Pinchera, Ruchti Williams, 1992; Moysich, Menezes, Michalek, 2002). Yet, not all individuals have the same perception on the impact of hazard as according to Lazarus and Folkman (1984), perception on risks varies differently from one another. However, the level of stress caused by any traumatic event to an individual depends on how he or she perceived the risk of a disaster. To elucidate, the amount of information available for the victims of disaster affects his or her perception of risk (Renn Rohrmann, 2000). It is important to note that risk messages enclose factual, value-related, inferential, and symbolic meanings (Havenaar, Cwikel Bromet, 2002). In the case of Chernobyl explosion, limited information about the consequences of the explosion was disseminated to affected residents. Thus, people who have little information following radiation disasters like Chernobyl are likely to experience PSTD. In addition, the perception of the exposure has a significant impact on women, especially women with young children. The researcher then presumes that people who are less informed about the possible effects of disaster such as women and children are likely to suffer from psychological disorder. Other researchers established that victims who are exposed to the most intense features of the disaster are likely to develop the most severe stress reaction and are likely to experience poor mental health outcomes (Weiss, Marmar, Metzler Ronfeldt, 1995; Goenjian et al. , 2000). The degree of exposure significantly affects mental health outcomes. Individuals who are often exposed to high levels of stress in their everyday lives have a higher risk of experiencing mental disorders. Thus, the researcher assumes that individuals who are furthest from disaster sites are more resilient. Rationale for the Study The incidence of exposure to disaster is more frequent than expected. According to result of the research study conducted by Kessler et al. (1995), majority of the population have experienced a minimum of a single traumatic phenomenon in their lifetime. Epidemiological studies conducted by different researchers and specialists have found that approximately, three quarters of the majority population in the U. S. has experienced a single traumatic phenomenon in their life (Green, 1994). To elucidate, approximately one billion people have been affected by natural disasters within the past 25 years (Weisaeth, 1995). Moreover, in a national morbidity survey, researchers found that 60. 7 percent of adult men and 51. 2 percent of adult women in the United States have been involved to at least one traumatic event or an ecological disaster (Kessler et al. , 1995). Meanwhile, in North America, an estimated 17 million people are prone to a natural disaster each year (Meichenbaum Fitzpatrick, 1993). Furthermore, in a meta-review of psychosocial consequences of disasters, it was found that approximately 11% of individuals are suffering from minimal impairments, 50% from moderate impairments, while 21% and 18% are experiencing severe and very severe impairments respectively (Norris, Friedman, Watson, 2002). With these data, we could affirm that disasters are common events or phenomena. Since majority of the population are prone to experience traumatic events such as accidents, tragedy and other ecological disaster, it is important that people have enough understanding and are knowledgeable about the possible psychological or mental health consequences caused by these traumatic events.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Problems With Standardized Testing Essay -- Standardized Testing Essay

In Standardized Testing and Its Victims, an article written for Education Week, Alfie Kohn states: Standardized testing has swelled and mutated, like a creature in one of those old horror movies, to the point that it now threatens to swallow our schools whole.... Our children are tested to an extent that is unprecedented in our history and unparalleled anywhere else in the world. While previous generations of American students have had to sit through tests, never have the tests been given so frequently, and never have they played such a prominent role in schooling. (1) Kohn accurately describes one of the main flaws in America’s education system: standardized testing. According to the article No Child Left Behind, legislation passed in 2002 requires schools to submit scores to the state every year for evaluation (1). Originally intended to be used for improvement, the scores of these annual assessments are overused and have become the sole representation of a school’s success. It is nearly impossible to create an advanced future by reforming schools based on an unreliable assessment tool. Standardized testing is an inaccurate measurement of a student’s abilities because it ignores other forms of aptitude, discriminates against certain students, and negatively affects education methods. Standardized testing piles an immense amount of pressure onto all parties involved. A report compiled by Joan L. Herman and Shari Golan entitled Effects of Standardized Testing on Teachers and Learning– Another Look explains the main causes of pressure from standardized testing. School districts use the scores to evaluate teachers and hold teachers accountable for the scores. Insufficient performance could endanger the teacher’s job and poten... Hicks, Molly G. â€Å"The Cons of Standardized Testing.† Standardized Testing. n.p., 2005. Web. 14 April 2012. â€Å"How Standardized Testing Damages Education.† Fairtest. n.p., 20 Aug 2007. Web. 17 April 2012. Kohn, Alfie. â€Å"Standardized Testing and Its Victims.† Education Week. Editorial Projects in Education, 27 Sep. 2000. Web. 15 April 2012. â€Å"No Child Left Behind.† Education Week. Editorial Projects in Education, 19 Sep. 2011. Web. 14 Apr. 2012. Young, Katie. â€Å"What’s So Bad About Standardized Testing?† Standardized Testing. Michigan State University, n.d. Web. 17 April 2012.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Cinderella Man Camera Angle Essay

Film producers use different presentational devices to give the audience hints about the characters and actions going on in the film. Using the characters James Braddock and Max Baer from the film Cinderella Man, I am going to investigate how film producers use camera angles, costume, and lighting, settings, music and character interaction to create more meaning for the audience. I will specifically be looking at the creation of James Braddock as a good character and Max Baer as a bad character. James Braddock is a very kind hearted, honest family man.The film producer is able to show this through many camera angles of his actions and emotions. We see a close up of James Braddock when he is at the gate waiting and hoping to be picked for a job at the docks. You see in this shot it mainly focuses on James’ facial expressions. You see that he is worried that he may not be chosen for a job and he will return to his family with no money. You see that he has some hope and that he i s concerned that he may not be chosen for the job because of his hand.This certain angle is a close up of a characters face and mainly focuses on their facial expressions. This angle helps the audience understand how the character is feeling by having a close up of their face and being able to see their facial expressions. We see James’ family man/caring side in a mid-angle shot after he comes home from a fight and tells his children that he has won a fight. This mid-angle shot is James sitting down hugging his three children with a huge smile on his face. Although winning the fight would’ve made James happy being home with his family brings so much more joy to him.The way he acts and looks around his children shows that he is a real family man and that he would do whatever he can just to make his family happy. Mid-angle shots are usually shots from the waist upward and allow other people in the shot. This shot mainly shows how this character reacts around certain peop le and shows some of their body movement. We are able to see James’ affectionate and loving side in a low angle shot of James holding his wife Mae above him looking her in the eyes with an affectionate smile on his face. James looks at Mae in this shot like she is the most precious thing in the whole wide world and to him she is.He looks at her with so much love and affection and like he would do anything in the whole world for her. Low angle shots are shots that show vulnerability and that are taken from low places looking up on the characters. James’ friendly side comes out in a high angle shot of himself, Mae, Joe and Joe’s wife all out for dinner in a nice restaurant. It shows all four of them sitting around the dinner table talking, laughing and smiling like they don’t have any worries at all. No matter how hard things get James is always able to put a smile on his face and appreciate everything he is given.High angle shots are shots taken from high places and looking down on the characters and their surroundings. James’ character intervention/body language towards people also helps us see what type of person he is. Throughout the movie James is always a caring and friendly person to people and the only time he is violent is when he is in the boxing ring and even then it isn’t a mean violent it is a sport type of violence. Music throughout the movie and in different scenes also helps us understand what is going on and the mood of James in different scenes.Music helps you understand how the character is feeling. The lighting and setting of each different scene also helps us understand a lot of how life is like for James Braddock. Dimmer lights and dull clothing shows that James isn’t a rich stuck up person but that he is a person that appreciates everything he has. On the other hand Max Baer is a completely different person to James Braddock and that’s why I have chosen for him to be the bad character . Max is always angry and aggressive towards other people and proving that he has also killed two people in the boxing ring.He is a very stubborn and stuck up man who demands everything when in reality he doesn’t deserve anything. We get a glimpse of Max’s evil side in the boxing ring when we have a close up shot of his face. His face is scrunched up and he has a very evil look in his eyes, he also looks very angry and aggressive in this shot. This shot’s main focus is Max’s expression in the boxing match and his expression isn’t a very nice one. As said as earlier this certain angle is a close up of a characters face and mainly focuses on their facial expressions.This angle helps the audience understand how the character is feeling by having a close up of their face and being able to see their facial expressions. We see how mean and rude Max Baer can be when we get a mid-angle shot of Max talking to James in the restaurant asking him not to fight him because Max doesn’t want to fight a ‘loser’. That in my opinion is just rude and it shows what type of personality that Max has and what type of person he is. Mid-angle shots are usually shots from the waist upward and allow other people in the shot.This shot mainly shows how this character reacts around certain people and shows some of their body movement. Max’s aggressive side is captured in a low angle towards the end of the fight between himself and James. The shot is taken down from the audience and looking up at Max when he is brutally punching James multiple times in the ribs. This also shows that Max would do whatever he can to win his boxing battles even if it does mean killing people. Low angle shots are shots that show vulnerability and that are taken from low places looking up on the characters.We see that Max is a bit of a sore loser after he wins the championships to James Braddock. After being rude and violent throughout the whole boxing match and bragging about how he will win the match we see a high angle shot looking down on Max walking off after his disappointment of losing the boxing match to James Braddock. High angle shots are shots taken from high places and looking down on the characters and their surroundings. Max’s character intervention/body language towards people also helps us see what type of person he is.Throughout the movie Max is a very aggressive and rude person to people and he is extremely violent is when he is in the boxing ring. We don’t see a lot of Max until the big boxing match at the end and even in that scene there is very little music so it’s hard for music to be able to contribute to this character. As I just said we don’t see a lot of Max till the big boxing match but when we do see him he is generally dressed very posh like and always with a lot of girls. That shows that he is a man that wants everything but in reality he doesn’t deserve it.He is a man that takes what he has for granted. After investigating how camera angles, music, settings, costumes, lighting and character interaction make an impact to films, I have learnt that films are not all about the characters. It’s about how the producer uses all these things to keep you interested in the movie and to emphasize the character because being totally honest, without any of these things in a film we wouldn’t be very interested. Movies are more than just people acting; it’s how producers create the movie that makes it interesting!

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Argumentative essay: Sex education in school Essay

In the U.S, more than 750,000 girls ages 15-19 become pregnant every year. More than 80 percent of these are unintended pregnancies, according to That is a great amount of teenagers that could have potentially dodged a bullet with a little more sexual education. Will a lack of sexual education continue to play a role in the overwhelming amount of teenage mothers in America? In my opinion of course it will. Just like the article states, sex education is rising in American schools, and this is in favor of my argument on how I greatly support this upward movement my reason is we are just falling way behind! Further thought out and well presented sex education will reduce teen pregnancy and spread of sexual diseases. How exactly will better sex education in the states lead to fewer sex incidents within the sexually active community? Simply by education. Lack of education in anything will not give you positive results. Although it is said that there is no strong proof tha t teaching sex education will have any effect on teenagers and young adults, there is proof. Ex. Hechinger writes â€Å"Analysis in sex education in Sweden, Holland, France, Great Britain and Canada show us lagging far behind† (143). Reading the article and noticing the particular countries mentioned, I went to research. The countries mentioned are up to par with America as far as development and economy go, but fall way behind when it comes to all things sexual! We not only have higher teenage birth rates, we also have higher sexually transmitted diseases and lower use of oral contraceptives. The statistics and education don’t lie. I would have personally benefited from a more well put together sex education class and many other young lady’s would agree. (Rodriguez 2) I’m sure now the reader is wondering if there is a deeper reason for my argument. Yes there is. I am teen mother, I am a statistic, one of the person that adds on to the lack of sex education in America. One of the many teenager girls that had a lack of sexual education. I thought it could never happen to me just like in the article, ex, Hechinger writes â€Å"They believe ‘It can’t happen to me’.† (144). It wasn’t arrogance or ignorance it was my lack of understanding and me not wanting to ask questions related to sex. I now ask myself how many pregnant teenagers had the same questions I did? Lets follow in the countries listed in the article’s foot steps, in fact we have already started, considering sex education has increased dramatically in the last 5 years. Let it keep rising! I stand by my argument, lets give these confused teenagers the knowledge to rely on, just like Sweden, Holland, France, Great Britain and Canada have. They are statistically doing better the article speaks on it and so I stand by my argument. I give my full su pport to the growth of sexual education, I wonder if Laredo agrees with me? (Rodriguez 3) Hechlinger, Fred M. â€Å"The First Step in Improving Sex Education: Remove the Hellfire.† Reading and Writing Short Arguments.Ed. William Vesterman. New York: Mayfield Publishing, 1994. 143-146

Friday, November 8, 2019

Gay Denied their Rights in Australia

Gay Denied their Rights in Australia My argument here is that the churches and Australian families were very right to carry out an event last month concerning support on natural marriage and to deny gay the right to marry. This is because according to the Bible and other religions rules, it is very wrong for people of the same sex to get married.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Gay Denied their ‘Rights’ in Australia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Although the number of people supporting same sex marriage is increasing, the practice is very wrong as it violates the virtues of Christians. This means that in the coming years, this practice will have to be legalized in Australia no matter what since the percentage of the supporters will be. This also shows that although marriage of the same sex has a minority population in comparison to natural marriage, the population will hike in the near future (Thomas 99). The best thing is that politics and politicians of Australia are also against gay practice, and the urge of gay marriage is less inducing than the advantages of doing so. This makes it hard for even a conscience vote on gay marriage to go through both chambers. Although there is the pressure to standardize the situation, I honestly feel that same-sex marriage should not be legalized, and I am happy that the parliament contains more mature people who do not support the marriage because statistics shows that less than 50 percent, actually 46 percent support same-sex marriage while the rest are against (Chase Aggleton 2004). My only worry is that the number of individuals supporting this kind of marriage is rising gradually and besides, leadership is now coming to the youths who majorly support this practice meaning that they will eventually legalize the marriage (Miller 102). How will the churches, Christian leaders and decent families feel when such marriage is legalized? The virtue and the notion that marriage sh ould always be between a man and a woman will fade away, and a new subject will take over. There are several reasons as to why natural marriage should be enhanced and gay marriage remains illegal. First, natural marriage was a command from God who ordered people to multiply and feel the world meaning that this kind of marriage ensures there is the survival of species. Gay marriage is only for pleasure, no any kind of multiplication proving that the gay couples are only a threat to procreation but it is still hard to expect them to refute their personal trends and to marry heterosexually (Chase Aggleton 98).Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This argument is significantly supported by John Howard who also opposed gay marriage. Besides, Howard’s government amended the 1961 Marriage Act in 2004, New York to make sure legally married same-sex couples overseas do not acquire legal recognition in Australia or anywhere else. This Act has been on the stand for many years down the line, and it is but one of several adjustments to the institution of marriage. However, the Bible and traditions are used as the background for the argument opposed same sex marriage. Therefore, the reader should appreciate this concept and support it. Moreover, it is clearly indicated in the Bible, the Old Testament that Abraham, Jacob and David married multiple wives, as did many others in those days but there is nowhere written that people married people of the same sex, that is breaking the principles of the Bible and the virtues of Christians. Note that these men mentioned in the Bible had multiple wives for the procreation of children and that was the common practice in those days (Miller 459). This is because they followed the word of God that commanded them to multiply and fill the world. Therefore, marriage is not for sensual gratification but for siring children. It is clear that it is indeed right to deny gay people the right to marriage because other than sensual pleasure, there is no other benefit of such behaviors rather lots of demerits. There have been lots of stories and histories concerning marriage in the US where blacks were not allowed to marry whites and in Australia, it was vice-versa where Aboriginal women in Northern Territory were permitted to marry non-Aboriginal men although with permission from the Chief Protector (Chase Aggleton 111). Divorce was not allowed especially in the Western communities with women having little formal rights in marriage, as they were obliged to obey their husbands. However, the most notable thing to note is that long time ago; marriage was only a religious institution where marriage took place in churches only (Thomas 213). This is exceedingly opposed to what we see today where marriage is conducted outside the church with most marriages being â€Å"come we stay† that are not legal while other groups like the gay societies claiming to be given the right to marriage. This is actually abusing the rights of the church. If specific churches want to decline to marry same-sex couples because they believe doing that is going against their religious teachings, that should remain their right and nobody should interfere with that.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Gay Denied their ‘Rights’ in Australia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In as much as the same-sex groups claim that they are being denied their rights, they should understand that it is not their right and that indeed they are attempting to violate the rights of churches and other religious institutions. Therefore, it is extremely correct for the gay couples to be denied the right to marriage because it is illegal and violation of religious rights (Miller 470). The reader need to understand the fact that same sex marriage is illegal acc ording to religious values and it should not be practiced at all. After going through it, the reader should share this information with a friend or two in order to eliminate this evil practice from our nations. Thomas Caramagno, C. Irreconcilable Differences? Intellectual Stalemate in the Gay Rights Debate. Westport, CT: Praeger. ISBN  0275977218. 2002. Miller E. Gorge. Prentice, Hall Reader, 10th Edition. Prentice Hall Publishers, ISBN-13: 978-0205664528, 2010. Chase WarWick I, E Aggleton P. Homophobia, Sexual Orientation and Schools: a review and implications for action. London; University of London, 2004.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Pronoun Agreement on ACT English Tips and Practice

Pronoun Agreement on ACT English Tips and Practice SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Pronoun agreement errors are an especiallyconfusing type of ACT English question because peopleoften misuse pronouns, especially when youspeak. In fact, I just made a pronoun mistake: can you spot it? Take a closer look at the second half of my first sentence: "people often misuse pronouns, especially when youspeak." Who is "you" referring to here: "people." However, the correct pronoun for the third person plural is "they." The correct version of the sentence is "people often misuse pronouns, especially when they speak." On the ACT English section, you'll be expected to spot these kind of errors in a variety of different contexts. I'll go overboth the basic rules forpronounsand the common mistakes you'll see on the test, so that you can approach the test with confidence. This post covers the following topics: Pronouns and Antecedents Disagreement in Number Disagreement in Person Unclear Antecedents Spotting Pronoun Agreement Errors on theACT Feature image credit:Chiltepinster (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons A Pronoun Must Always Match Its Antecedent That titlemight seem confusing. What's an antecedent? And what does it mean to "match"? You can probably spot when a pronoun doesn't seem quite right, but let's break down why. What's a Pronoun? A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun- that's it! Usually we think of pronouns as words like I, him, they, or its, all of which are definitely pronouns. But so are words like everyone, which, and each. Any word that replacesa noun is a pronoun. For more detailed information on pronouns, take a look at our guide to parts of speech. What's an Antecedent? An antecedent is the noun a pronoun replaces. (You may also have heard these called referents.) Let's look at an example- the pronoun is in boldand the antecedent is underlined: Anton wanted his own piece of cake. Simple enough, right? "His" is standing in for "Anton's." Let's try a more complicated one: Even though he knew Jenny lovessweets, Anton ate boththeirpieces of cake and didn't apologize to her. There's a lot more going onin this sentence, so I've color coded the pronouns and their nouns. "Their" is purple because it's standing in for "Anton's and Jenny's." No matter how many different pronouns there are in a sentence, each one must have a clear antecedent. What Does It Mean for a Pronoun and Antecedent to Match? Again, though this concept may sound confusing, it's actually pretty intuitive. Let's revisit our example from above, with a slight tweak: Anton wanted theirown piece of cake. This sentence clearly isn't correct. That's because the pronoun "their" and the antecedent "Anton" don't agree.Antonis singular and their is plural, so the words disagree in number. It's also possiblefor a pronoun and antecedent to disagree in person: Anton wanted myown piece of cake. Antonis a proper noun and should take a 3rd person pronoun, not a 1st person pronoun like "my." As a review, the most common pronounsand their correct uses are listed below: I/me/my - first person singular, i.e. the person speaking We/us/ours - first person plural, i.e. the person speaking and others You/your - second person (singular and plural), i.e. the person (or people) being spoken to He/him/his - third person masculine, i.e. a male person or animal who isn't present She/her - third person feminine, i.e. a femaleperson or animal who isn't present It/its - third person neuter, i.e. inanimate objects They/them/their - third person plural, i.e. multiple people or things The key idea here is that pronouns must alwayshave a clear antecedent and agree with the noun that they replace. Now that we've established what that means, let's look at how these errors appear on the ACT English. Anton was a jerk foreating both pieces of cake. (Â ©jshj) Pronoun Disagreement in Number I mentioned above that plural nouns require plural pronouns and singular nouns requiresingular pronouns. Usually, that rule feels pretty obvious: it doesn't make much sense to refer to Jimas "them" or the Avengersas "it." However, we're talking about theACT, so the errors are going to be a little harder to spot. Let's go over some of the trickiest cases and how you can catch them. Distance Between Pronoun and Antecedent In a simple sentence, it's easy to spot number agreement errors: Incorrect: Clarais very protective of theirnovels. Correct:Clarais very protective of hernovels. But in the context of a more complex sentence, or an entire paragraph, these errors get much harder to spot: When Clara ran out of fantasy novels to read, she went to the library to replenish her supply. Unfortunately, they were completely out of them. At first glance, this may seem fine, but it gets a little wonky towards the end there. Let's take it apart and match each pronoun withits antecedent: she=Clara her=Clara's they = the library them = the novels Do you see the problem? The library is singular and can't be referred to as "they." As such, the sentence should read: When Clara ran out of fantasy novels to read, she went to the library to replenish her supply. Unfortunately, itwas completely out of them. When you're dealing with pronouns on the ACT, the first step is always to determinewhat itsantecedent is. This will make it much easier to figure out the correct pronoun to use. The Case of the Non-Gendered Singular Pronoun Even once you determine a pronoun'santecedent, there's still room for confusion- especially when it comes tosingular non-gendered nouns. Let's look at an example of this: Please have your child bring their crayons to school with them. Sounds fine, right? But take acloser look. "Their" is taking the place of "your child's" in this sentence, but "their" is a plural pronounand"your friend" is only one person. Using "their" seems right because we the childcould be a girl or boy and there is no singular non-gendered pronoun for people in English. However, you can't use 3rd person plural pronouns (they, their, theirs, or them) to refer to singular people of unclear gender. Instead, you need to use singular pronouns, as in the versionbelow: Please have your child bring his or hercrayons to school with him or her. Although "he," "she," and "he or she" are all equally correct, on the ACT you will always see "he or she"/"him or her"/"his or her" used to refer to non-gendered singular people. ACT English Practice Example Let's work through an official ACT question, so you can see how these concepts work in context. Let's start by finding the antecedent. So what's covered? "Most kayaks," which is plural, so we immediately know A can't be correct. The next step iseliminating distractors. Pronoun questions on the ACT can be tricky because the test writers tend to include answer choices that seem reasonable but couldn't possible work, confusing what the question is actually about. Here those choices are B and D: when used as a pronoun "one" refers to a person and "which" should come after a comma, not a period (it creates a dependent clause). This leaves onlyC, "They are," which is the rightanswer since "they" is the correct pronoun to stand in for "kayaks." Use "he or she" to replace nouns like "guitarist" that aren't gender specific. Pronoun Disagreement in Person Pronoun agreement in person is a slightly weirder concept than agreement in number, but it's usually pretty easy to spot. The basic concept is that a pronoun must reflect the typeof thing it's replacing.This factmeansthat you must use "it" to replace "the sour candy" but"she" to replace "Jennifer Lawrence." Aswith agreement in number, the first stepis always to makesure that you know what a pronoun's antecedent is and that the pronoun and antecedent agree. Beyond that basic principle, avoiding issues with agreement in person is mostly a question of consistency- if you start a sentence in the first person, you shouldn't suddenly switch to the third person without a clear reason. I was halfway home when I realized that he'd forgotten his science project. This series of events might be possible, but it doesn't make much sense. Another incorrect sentence: The plant grew so large that she no longer fit in the pot. "She" is clearly standing in for "the plant," but you can't use "she" to refer to an inanimate object. The correct pronoun would be "it." On the ACT, pronoun errors with agreement in person are usuallyrelated to consistency- if a passage is in the third person you can't inexplicably introduce the first person halfway through and vice versa. The most common such issue is with "one" and "you."Both are equally correct to refer to a non-specific individual- "you" is simplyless formal than "one"- buta passage should stick to one or the other. (Like this article does!) Let's look at how this conceptworks in a sentence: Incorrect: If one wants to be a professional sushi chef, you must train for many years to master the art of slicing the fish. Correct:If one wants to be a professional sushi chef, onemust train for many years to master the art of slicing the fish. Correct:If youwant to be a professional sushi chef, you must train for many years to master the art of slicing the fish. The incorrect sentence uses two different pronouns, while the corrected versions stick to one or the other. One of the most common mistakes students make on the ACT English is assuming that the more formal choice, in this case "one," is necessarily better. However, it's far more important to be consistent with the passage as written and to make sure pronouns match their antecedents. Let's go through an example question that deals with agreement in person: First, we find the antecedent. Who or what is hearing the songs? Elsewhere in the paragraph, it's "I." Our primary goal with agreement in person is to remain consistent, so it should be the same here- F is the correct choice. G and H might be tempting, but you shouldn't pick an answer that introduces a new pronoun without a clear antecedent.J can't be correct because it creates a sentence fragment. A disagreement between people, not a disagreement in person. (Â ©o5com) Unclear Antecedents We've covered the basic rules for ensuring that pronouns agree with their antecedents, but what do you do when a pronoun doesn'thaveanantecedent? It's important to remember that a pronoun's antecedent must be a noun and you must be able to circle it in the text. In other words, it's not enough for you to know what the pronoun is referring to, the antecedent alsohas to be obvious in the text. On the ACT English, pronouns without clear antecedents appear fairly frequently. You'll need to pick the answer that makes explicit what the pronoun is meant to refer to. Let's look at an example: In order to get the concert ticketsfrom the box office, I need to know whenthey'llbe there. Who does"they" refer to? Presumably, the people who work in the boxoffice, but the noun "employees" doesn't appear, so there's no clear antecedent. A correct version might read: In order to get the concert ticketsfrom the box office, I need to know whenthe employees willbe there. Now it's clear who I'm talking about. The pronouns this, that, these, and those, often appear in questions like this and can be especially confusing, since in casual English we often use the themwithout clear antecedents: Mario: Bowser kidnapped Peach again. Luigi: That's annoying. This construction may be fine in spoken English, but it would beabsolutely incorrect on the ACT. Thought it's clear what Luigi is reacting to, there's no actual noun in the text that is serving as an antecedent for that. This, that, and these and thosemust have clear noun antecedents, just like any other pronoun. However, it's fine for the noun to come immediately after the pronoun. A correct version of the above would be: Mario: Bowser kidnapped Peach again. Luigi: That moveis so annoying. Now its explicit what's annoying: Bowser's move of kidnapping Peach. If this, these or those are underlined, then the question is likely about this type of error. (That being underlined can mean there's an antecedent issue as well, but it's more commonly a relative pronoun question- for more on that type of error, see our post on the topic, coming soon.) Let's look at an official ACT example: As with any pronoun question, the first step here is to determine the antecedent. Since an antecedent must be a noun thatappears in the text, our options are "Banneker," "his studies," and "the paths of the Sun, Moon, and other celestial bodies." However, none of these nouns are things that can be used to predict a solar eclipse- the sentence is trying to say that he used his calculations of the paths to make the prediction. The only answer that makes that fact clear is G. Applying the Pronoun Agreement Grammar Rules on the ACT We've covered the basic rules for pronoun agreement and the types of errorsyou're likely to see on the ACT English. I've rounded up a summary of those rules and the key strategies you should practice for the test. What to watchfor: Underlined pronouns and pronoun/verb combos This, these, those underlined Rules to keep in mind: Every pronoun must have a clear noun antecedent. Pronouns and their antecedents have to match in number, gender, and person. For this, those, that, and these, the antecedent can come immediately after the pronoun. Helpful ACT English tips: Anytime a pronoun is underlined, the first step is to determine the antecedent- be sure to check the surroundingsentences as well. "He or she" is the correct pronoun for non-gendered singularnouns. Pronoun person generally stays consistent throughout a passage. Replace antecedent-less pronouns with nouns. Test Your Skills with ACT English Practice Questions! You can study the rules all you want, but doing sowon't help you on the ACT unless you practice using them ito answer ACT-style questions. I've created some ACT English practice so that you can try out your new skills! 1. Lana didn't enjoy spying on Tim, but he had the information they needed. A. NO CHANGE B. he C. the people D. she 2. You may not want to go looking for the cookbook, but to ensure there are pancakes at breakfast, one must find the recipe. F. NO CHANGE must H. they must J.must 3.One of the books was full of fairy tales, but Jenna couldn't find them on the shelf. A. NO CHANGE B.those C. it D.her own 2. Troy walked all the way down the mountain. After that, he was too tired to stay awake through the movie. F. NO CHANGE G.After this, H. After walking so far, J. So that Answers: 1. D, 2. G, 3. C, 4. H What's Next? If you're struggling with pronoun questions, make sure you also understand pronoun case errors. You may also want to check outsome of our other ACT grammar guides on frequentlytestedtopics like subject-verb agreementand comma usage. For more big-picture strategies, take a look at our posts on the best way to read the ACT English passage and the 5 key concepts you need to ace the ACT English. Looking to build a study plan? Read our complete plan to studying for the ACT, review what the ACT English actually covers, and take a practice test (or five!). Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this English lesson, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial: